May 15, 2019

UK: APPG on West Papua Meeting Re-scheduled to June 4

Please note that the All-Party Parliamentary Group on West Papua has re-scheduled its meeting on May 28 to June 4. The All-Party Parliamentary Group on West Papua (APPG) will be holding a meeting in Parliament on Tuesday June 4 at 5 – 6.30PM in the Thatcher Room, Portcullis House, Bridge Street, London, SW1A 2LW, United.

May 9, 2019

UK Government calls Act of Free Choice ‘utterly flawed’ during historic parliamentary debate

The UK Parliament held a comprehensive hour-long debate into West Papuan human rights on Wednesday. Members of Parliament (MPs) from numerous political parties in the UK noted the historic violation of West Papua’s right to self-determination, raised concern over system human rights abuses by Indonesian security services, and called for the UK government to review.

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